Publications & Gallery
- An ‘Alternative’ New Military Justice Regime for The Australian Defence Force: if not a military court then an Australian Court Martial Tribunal
- "A Proposed New Military Justice Regime for the Australian Defence Force during Peacetime and in time of War" (2019) SSRN 3551788
- "The Australian Military Justice System: History, Organisation and Disciplinary Structure" (2016) 6(1) VULJ 26
- "Commercial Arbitration - Does It Really Have A Future?" (2014) 4 VULJ 117
- "Will an independent Scotland cause an Australian Republic?" - (2014) 155 VBN 48
- Civil Procedure - Case & Statute Law Update - (2014 Leo Cussen Centre for Law - “LCC”)
- Civil Procedure - Case & Statute Law Update - (2012 LCC)
- Hard Lessons in a Tumultuous Year - Centro and James Hardie - What Next? (2012 Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia)
- Understanding the Proportionate Liability Regime (2011 Legalwise Seminars “LS”)
- Liquidated Damages and Penalties - Ensuring Enforceability (2010 LexisNexis)
- The Civil Procedure Act Reforms – Ready for the Changes? (2010 LCC)
- Misconduct of Insolvency Practitioners (2009 Insolvency Practitioners Association)
- The Accountability of ‘Corporate Undertakers’ for their Misconduct in Office (2009 LS)
- Litigation Intensive - A Practical Session On Preparing for and Conducting a Commercial Trial (2007 LCC)
- Directors’ Duties – Some Observations – USA – UK – Australia (2004 Law Institute of Victoria – “LIV”)
- Re Wakim – Cross-Vesting - Quo Vadis? (1999 LIV)
- Voluntary Administration - Framework and Principles (1995 LCC)
- Issues and Decisions for Lenders Arising from Company Administration (1994 LCC)
- External Administration - Receivers and Managers (1994 LCC)
- Liquidation of Corporations (1993 LCC)
- Liquidation of Companies (1988 and 1989 revised, LCC)
- Winding Up Law and Procedure under the Companies Code (1983 and 1984 LCC revised)
- Australian Corporation Law, Principles and Practice, Butterworths, (contributor)
- Australian Corporations and Securities Reports, Butterworths (law reporter)
- Australian Company Law Reports, Butterworths (law reporter)